What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a common condition where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. The standard approach to treating hypothyroidism is through thyroid hormone replacement therapy. When that works, that’s great. But if that doesn’t work, it means that there are other issues than just thyroid that are in play.
3d body with the Thyroid highlighted

Case Study:
A Comprehensive Approach to Hypothyroidism Treatment

For example, a client with long-standing thyroid issues was treated with thyroid hormones, which helped to some extent. However, the client also suffered from frequent sinusitis that was not helped by antibiotics.

Further investigation revealed that most cases of long-standing sinusitis are caused by a fungus, and therefore, antifungal medication was prescribed, which decreased the amount of fungus in the client’s body.

The client was also found to repress emotions, leading to stress, which was addressed. He was also placed on a supplement that helped him manage his depressive tendencies. We shall see how he does with these interventions.

When a person has low thyroid hormone levels, taking thyroid hormones may improve their condition. However, this gentleman also had issues with yeast in his sinuses, repressed emotions, and depressive tendencies.

When he took an antifungal, he felt better and after some time, he was able to lower how often he took his antifungal medication.

In addition, he was treated with a supplement to increase serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter that makes a person feel content. When he took the appropriate supplement for him, his mood improved and his mood was not affected by cloudy days which used to cause him sadness.

Other Symptoms of Hypothyroidism to Look Out For

Feeling colder than usual is a classic symptom of hypothyroidism. If this is the only symptom present, seeing a doctor to determine if thyroid hormone replacement therapy is required may be enough. However, if other symptoms are present, an integrative or functional doctor may be better suited to provide a comprehensive assessment. It’s worth noting that how the body is working affects the thyroid gland. Stressful periods in a person’s life can make the thyroid gland less efficient. Other issues in the body can also affect the thyroid, which should be addressed. An integrative or functional doctor can help identify any underlying issues contributing to thyroid problems and provide tailored treatment.

Book an Appointment with Dr. Richard for Hypothyroidism Treatment

If you are an existing patient or require assistance with hypothyroidism, Dr. Richard is available to help. You can message him through the Charm Portal. For new patients, you can or book a free 15 minute consultation using the button below.

If you’re an existing patient, you can contact me via the Charm portal.

Dr. Richard Chen

To your health!

Dr. Richard Chen
Focused Wellness Author,
A New Way to Health: Wheel of Health
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