Relief from Exercise Injury

Relief from Exercise Injury

How can you do yoga if your knee hurts? Or more generally, how can you exercise if your body doesn’t cooperate?  We don’t pay attention to our body until it tells us something wrong.  And when it talks to us, we should listen to our body! Let’s read about a client who...
Toxic Obesity

Toxic Obesity

We have been told that weight loss is about what we eat but is that the full story?  There are countless people that we see in our everyday lives who eat healthy, watch their carbs intake and still have weight issues.  Maybe there’s more issues than just calories...
Disease is Like an Onion

Disease is Like an Onion

Human illnesses are like an onion.  An onion has multiple layers and so does a person who has been sick for a long time.  There may be multiple layers of different health conditions – one on top of another.  Removing a top layer of illness shows up another layer...
Improving Wellness thru Good Posture

Improving Wellness thru Good Posture

People say that having a good posture is good.  It helps one look better to have a good posture.  But what else does it do for us?  Let’s read about a client of mine and his story.   Neck Problem Causing Brain Fog He had always been a reader, he enjoyed reading...