Ovaries and Aging

Ovaries and Aging

I went to the most recent Buck Institute of Aging  and attended a talk by Dr. Jennifer Garrison, PhD on Ovarian Aging and Women’s Health.  I think it’s good to keep up on basic science.  The question is how do I get actions  to help clients in the office  from basic...
Vitamins For Schizophrenia

Vitamins For Schizophrenia

Are there new therapies for schizophrenia?  Yes there are.  I recently attended a conference by the Walsh Institute.  It had been many years since I last took their course so it was a good update. I updated my knowledge and learned new treatments to help...
When You’re a Hammer…

When You’re a Hammer…

everything’s a nail – how does that apply to medicine?  If you have one tool then you  use that tool for everything you can see.  The question is: is the tool good for everything you see? Let me give you a case of that.    Knee Pain When Walking The lady...
Improving Vision Holistically

Improving Vision Holistically

When our vision gets worse, we think that nothing else can be done.  But that’s not true. Our vision can get worse from too much studying (I know about that), aging, or it can happen from infections. Infections?!  Yes, infections.  Let’s read about a case of seeing...
Treating Autoimmunity

Treating Autoimmunity

What can you do about an autoimmune disease?  That’s what happens when your body is attacking itself.  The most common autoimmune disease I see these days is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The attack on the body makes a person produce less thyroid hormones. The conventional...
What Happens when You Fall

What Happens when You Fall

  Did you ever wonder what happens when you  fall? Why do certain parts of the body get hurt? Why are certain parts protected? I’m not sure I have the answers to those questions but I’ll tell you about a client who fell and what I learned.  If...