Vitamin C for Covid

Vitamin C for Covid

Vitamin C for Covid    Yesterday was a day of Infamy – for several reasons. One because it was  December 7 but it’s also the fifth day that I had to isolate for the first time I’ve had covid.  I treated it initially as if I had a cold  when I didn’t know I...
Covid’s Little Known Effects

Covid’s Little Known Effects

Covid Facts Covid is still here for the near future so we should know more about it. We know that it affects the lungs and  is not easily transmitted from kids to adults. Most people who get covid do well but the current numbers say 6% of people who had covid  remain...
Think of Covid So Can Deal with It

Think of Covid So Can Deal with It

Covid Overview We all know people who have had Covid and may have Covid ourselves.  The CDC back in February 2022 stated that 60% of US adults have had Covid, that is more than Half the population.   We think of Covid as a breathing problem and perhaps other people...