I was part of a medical study this last week trying to find out if drinking a ketone drink would help lower sugars in Diabetics.
I had this dreamy idea of what being part of a research study would be like.
But that’s not what it turned out to be.

Medical Research experience
It started out with getting an IV inserted into my wrist.It took about 3-4 tries. I don’t like to get poked multiple times but hey – it was to advance science. I didn’t want the piece of plastic in my dominant hand wrist but that’s where the nurse found a vein.
Imagine having an IV in the hand you use all the time. Do you think you can type with plastic taped to your wrist and the wrist unable to bend?
I learned what I can do with one hand not working well. I was able to complete some medical records and make a couple of phone calls. Every half hour for 2 hours I had some blood drawn from me and then every hour for the next two hours I had more blood drawn from me.
It was a regular task done regularly and consistently that gave them the data that they would put together to check their scientific hypothesis.
I had to fast from the morning until 1:30 PM while they were doing the blood draws. Usually I can deal with hunger but being in a non-home setting made me more aware of the hunger.
In the end after five hours, I was able to contribute to science and get some work done. It was just about following the rules of the study which I thought was a good study .
It was about collecting data then analyzing it. Doing a boring mundane task consistently helped them get the information they wanted.
What Experience of Medical Research Taught Me
That’s what I took from the study, We don’t have to be doing big stuff to have purpose to our life.
Just doing the same consistent activity regularly is what we can do. Maybe it’s just saying hello to our neighbors , or mowing part of the neighbor’s lawn when it’s close to ours, or just smiling more.
The little things matter especially if it’s done over time 🙂
If you have a question about this blog post or anything medical-related, please email me thru the button below.

To your health!
Dr. Richard Chen
Focused Wellness Author,
A New Way to Health: Wheel of Health
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