The Unknown

The health issues we don’t know about are the ones we need to address.

We deal with the ones we know about.

But the question is what are the issues that are unknown  and important? 

Let’s see what that means.

geyser shooting up

Uncovering the Unknown

The young girl was being seen for reactions to medications.  She is a highly sensitive child who is very intuitive. 

She wasn’t doing well in her previous school but thrived when she got changed to a different school. Her mood got more moodier with  increased exposure to her Dad’s cellphone. 

Her mood in general was that of anxiety and perfectionism – everything had to be just right.  She was treated for the anxiety/perfectionism. 

It was discovered at the subsequent visit that she had been exposed to mold 5 years ago.  And that she was more sensitive to the environment after that.

The mold issue had been known but it was never addressed as a medical issue. Mold exposure will make a person more sensitive to the environment as well as cause other symptoms which may be kind of weird.

So they may be more aware of smells in the environment afterwards. Mold is more common than we think.  And the thing about mold is that even if you leave the moldy environment, the mold stays in your body. 

You can leave the mold in the environment but the mold does not leave you!

Deal with the Unknown

So in dealing with a person who has health issues, it is sometimes not enough to deal with the presenting issue. 

Because if there are underlying issues those have to be addressed to get better results.

So if a person has been treated for a health condition and not getting better it means something.

It means that something else is going on and that should be investigated.  With my 30 years of being a medical doctor and 12 years experience as an integrative medical doctor I consider myself a medical detective. 

I would be honored to dive deep into your health issues.

Please share this with friends or colleagues if it would be helpful to them.

If you are an existing client with a question about this blog post or anything medical-related, please contact me thru the Focused Wellness Portal

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Dr. Richard Chen

To your health!

Dr. Richard Chen
Focused Wellness Author,
A New Way to Health: Wheel of Health
Buy the book on Amazon

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