Spinal Stenosis


Do you know a friend or relative who has back pain?  How about someone who has spinal stenosis?

Studies show that on CAT scan or MRI imaging, that up to 20% of people in their 60’s have spinal stenosis mostly in the lower back (lumbar spine). People with lumbar spinal stenosis have pain in their back going to their legs.  It is because the  bones on the spine is pushing on their nerves.

It affects their life quite a lot.  The treatment is physical therapy, medications, and if it’s not improving –  back surgery. But what about other options which are not as invasive as surgery and can help? Let’s find out about that.

Case of Spinal Stenosis Improving

The gentleman was in his 80’s when he saw me.  He was getting older in age but he still enjoyed his swimming.  But because of his back pain, he would have leg pains when swimming.  For that reason he hadn’t been swimming as much. 

He has had back pains for several years.  The back pain improved when he sat down.  He didn’t really like the idea of back surgery at his age and neither did I.  I mentioned to him the idea of using prolozone injections.  He was open to that idea. 

He had 4 injections which covered the lower part of his back. He felt pretty good afterwards and started doing yoga stretches right after the visit ! 🙂 

The standard treatment for spinal stenosis is to remove the parts of the spine that are crushing the nerve such as a laminectomy.  That involves going into the hospital , going under the knife for several hours then recovering from the surgery for several weeks or longer.

But the above gentleman wanted the results of surgery without surgery!

Mild Spinal Stenosis Treatment using super active oxygen

Prolozone is using the most active form of oxygen to help calm down inflammation and decrease pain. The cool thing about prolozone is it’s a gas.

If gas is used as an injection it goes all around the area because it is not a liquid.  So it can get into all the nooks and crannies of the body. 

It can go where no liquid can go.  It is done with 4 injections to cover the majority of the lower back.  

It is not going for one nerve or one section, it is going for for the majority of the back.

Prolozone for spinal stenosis is an amazing tool.  Different people have different results. One  client hasn’t seen me since doing 1 set of injections years ago.  Others have had pain relief lasting 3 months.

Everyone’s different and requires the injections at different times. It may have to be done several times but it is not surgery!  And it has a high percentage chance of working well!

If you or someone you know has back pain (either from spinal stenosis, arthritis- they should reach out to me.  They can book an introductory appointment for new clients(preferably in person) so that I could examine the person and determine whether this procedure would work well for them. 

If you are an existing client with a question about this blog post or anything medical-related, please contact me thru the practice portal

Dr. Richard Chen

To your health!

Dr. Richard Chen
Focused Wellness Author,
A New Way to Health: Wheel of Health
Buy the book on Amazon

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