What to do when a surgery causes more pain?  One has to figure out what is causing the pain. 

Is it the surgery itself that caused the pain?  Or maybe the surgery interacted with the body which made things worse. 

Let’s read about a case of knee pain after surgery and what can be done about it. 


man walking comfortably

Knee pain for 6 years!

The retired gentleman had knee pain for SIX years. 10 years ago he had knee replacement on both knees.  The left knee was a little different afterwards.  When he touched the skin around the left knee, it would tingle a bit further down and there was some mild discomfort.

There was constant mild pain.   3 years after the knee replacement, the left knee was operated  on.  For nine weeks, there was no pain. 

But then  moderate  knee pain kicked in. He went to more than five orthopedists.  He had a nerve stimulator inserted in his back to help the pain.  None of the orthopedists or even the nerve stimulator surgery helped. 

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He saw me and I recommended an injection around the knee area.  He felt some relief that day and even more the next day.

He was happy about the less pain as he wanted to be more physically active – he enjoyed walking. But then the pain came back.

Neural Therapy Benefits

What happened to him? His nervous system was affected by the second knee surgery which caused the pain. I did a  treatment called neural therapy which treats that. He had some relief that day which lasted a couple of days. 

Neural therapy that gives some relief for several days is a good result.   He would need several more treatments as nervous system treatment is not an one-time thing. 

But there will be an end to the nervous system treatment after several treatments as the pain should go away completely. 

So if a person has pain after surgery and the conventional therapies aren’t working then think of neural therapy.  It is integrative medicine for knee health. 

It is treating the nervous system in a different way then nerve blocks, or other procedures that anesthesiologists do.  It is trying to make the nervous system work better.  It is a different way of approaching pain and something to think about as it works well. 

If you have a  question about this blog post or anything medical-related, please email me thru the button below.

Dr. Richard Chen

To your health!

Dr. Richard Chen
Focused Wellness Author,
A New Way to Health: Wheel of Health
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