Massage can be a very helpful tool to help relax and make a person feel better. But everyone is individual and sometimes people can get hurt by massage. 

Something to think about if you or a friend get massage and feel worse afterwards.  Let’s read about someone who got Worse after massage.


women getting better from massage

Feeling Worse After Massage

The lady had responded very well to the treatment of the chest and upper back with neural therapy.  Her heart no longer thudded when it shouldn’t. When she lay down, she didn’t feel her heart beating faster when it shouldn’t. 

Then she went to her deep massage person.  Somehow as the massage session continued she felt worse.  Therefore she cried as a result of the massage but it wasn’t the cry of releasing emotions as before.  This was more of a cry of grief.  Her motivation had been good before the massage session but now it was down again.  When I saw her I saw that she had slid back in her progress and was not happy.

I treated her nerves with PIT (see which made ther back pain go away and she felt calmer.  At the end of the session she was smiling again.

Risks of Massage Therapy

Massage  can be quite helpful but there can be risks of massage therapy. In this case, the client’s nervous system was quite sensitive so that the nerves could be injured by aggressive massage.

Instead of the muscles being relaxed by the massage, the nerves were being injured. Everyone is individual and we have to see how they respond to a therapy.  Massage usually is good but in certain individuals, it may not be so good.

It is always good to see how a person responds to something – whether a supplement or a technique because generalities may not apply to the individual. She was hurting as a result of her massage and got better when her nerves were treated.

So something that may be helpful for most people can be harmful to some. Remember that every person is individual.  Most food is good for most people but some people may have allergies.  Most bodywork is good but if the nervous system is sensitive then the massage may hurt the nervous system.  And there are therapies that  that can help the nervous system which I do. 


If you have a  question about this blog post or anything medical-related, please email me thru the button below.

Dr. Richard Chen

To your health!

Dr. Richard Chen
Focused Wellness Author,
A New Way to Health: Wheel of Health
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