Vitamins For Schizophrenia

Vitamins For Schizophrenia

Are there new therapies for schizophrenia?  Yes there are.  I recently attended a conference by the Walsh Institute.  It had been many years since I last took their course so it was a good update. I updated my knowledge and learned new treatments to help...
Improving Vision Holistically

Improving Vision Holistically

When our vision gets worse, we think that nothing else can be done.  But that’s not true. Our vision can get worse from too much studying (I know about that), aging, or it can happen from infections. Infections?!  Yes, infections.  Let’s read about a case of seeing...
Brain Function Facts

Brain Function Facts

All our brains are aging – what’s going on and what can we do about it?  That’s what I wanted to know when I attended the Buck Institute of Aging community seminar on “Live Better Longer”.  The person who talked there was a PhD researcher by the name of Ashley...