Holistic Cardiac Care

Holistic Cardiac Care

When heart problems happen, we think of seeing a cardiologist.  But what if the cardiologist can’t help, are there other therapies out there?  Are there other treatments besides medications, surgery, and catheterizations?  Yes there are other treatments and they can...
Sleep is Wasted Time?

Sleep is Wasted Time?

Why do we waste time sleeping?  Some people think that time spent sleeping is better spent doing other things.  That being productive means sleeping less.  People may think that but that’s not true.  Sleep is necessary.  Read on about a client who had a full night’s...
Dealing with Stress

Dealing with Stress

How we feel daily matters. Emotional awareness is important.  Positive emotions drive us forward and negative emotions make us feel down.  Life is full of stressors and we have to deal with that so that we can do okay daily so that we can meet the next day and its...
What is Holistic Medicine?

What is Holistic Medicine?

 I was trying to explain holistic medicine to a client this last week. It’s different than the conventional medicine that most of us are used to.  When we see a doctor, we expect to have that health issue taken care. And that’s all there is to it….or is it? What if...
No More Foot Pain

No More Foot Pain

  “When one’s feet hurts, one hurts all over” is what was said by Socrates.  And that is definitely true based on what I hear from clients.  Foot pain can be quite bothersome.  One cause of foot pain is Morton’s neuroma. Standard treatments for Morton’s neuroma...
Anxiety from Environmental Chemicals

Anxiety from Environmental Chemicals

Anxiety can be caused by several things.  It is not just a mind thing.  It shows up in the mind and behavior but what is causing it? It may be due to what’s passed from the family genes, or perhaps from prior life experience. It may be even from the environment. Let’s...
No More Frozen Shoulder!

No More Frozen Shoulder!

Everyone has some nagging health issue that bothers them.  They’ve lived with it for years and don’t think anything can be done for it. Because seeing a doctor isn’t that great or maybe they’ll offer options that are worse than the current situation.  That’s why it’s...