Factors affecting your Health Journey

How far a client gets in their health journey depends on several factors. One is knowing what health obstacles there are and the other is the motivation of the client.


A recent client visit was a nice surprise to me when I saw her several years after her last visit.

I had seen the lady who is in her 60’s last time in October 2021.  I had been working with her on a consistent basis since the beginning of 2021 for weight issues.  I had done laser acupuncture on her as well as help her deal with environmental chemicals. 

She had been placed on the appropriate supplements and  had lowered  her environmental chemical burden in her body using a detox regimen I developed.  She did well with that and her weight went down 12 pounds in 1 month’s time without much effort on her part. When last I saw her October 2021 she had lost a total of 23 pounds from when I first saw her.

I was happy when she made an appointment to see me this last June as it would be good to see her again. 

I opened the office door and didn’t recognize the person in front of me.  She looked totally different as she was now down 57 pounds (!)  from the weight she was in January 2021.

She showed me the power of motivation.  I had started her on her health journey but she was the one who continued the health journey.  She had gone on the Blood Type Diet and that had helped her lose the additional weight.  I was happy that the Blood Type Diet worked well for her.

When someone sees a doctor, it takes more than a good doctor to get the client well.  I provided the jump start to get her health better.  I provided the right knowledge to help her lose her first 20+ pounds.  But her determination to do right by herself is what made her lose another 34 pounds.

Everyone is in a different stage of change regarding their health.  She was in the action phase and the results showed. 

What about you?  Are you ready to take care of yourself?  If you are – go for it!  If you are not, I would ask you why that is? 

What questions or concerns do you need taken care of  to get to the next level of change. It takes time to get to the stage where a person wants to act on a concern and everyone’s journey to change is individual.

If you would like help with a current concern, please make an appointment or contact me via the Focused Wellness portal. 

If you would like to move toward change and have some questions about that, I am available for that as well.  We all have issues  holding us back from doing what we should be doing.  My hope is that we realize that and work on those issues. 


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