Supplementation Simplified: How Many Should I Take?

Supplementation Simplified: How Many Should I Take?

Identifying the Right Supplements for your Needs Recently I had a client who was seeing me for dizziness which had been going on for a year and was bothering her. She did not want to take too many supplements as she was diabetic and taking medications already so she...
Unlock the Power of Fasting: What You Need to Know

Unlock the Power of Fasting: What You Need to Know

Introduction to Dry Fasting I learned about dry fasting from a patient of mine – Chris K and it has been revolutionary. Thanks very much – Chris! I had never heard of dry fasting before talking to him and it broke one of the cardinal rules I learned in...


COVID IS A MITOCHONDRIAL DISEASE! I have been trying to avoid blogging about Covid as it is all we deal with these days but I came upon an important realization after I saw a patient with long Covid recently who, after he got Covid, had issues with short term memory...
What’s Relaxing and Helps Your Immune System?

What’s Relaxing and Helps Your Immune System?

What’s Relaxing and Helps Your Immune System? Last weekend I had the pleasure of virtually attending the 2022 Annual Institute of Functional Medicine conference. One of the lecturers, Matthew Walker Ph.D. impressed me about one of my favorite topics, Sleep. I...