How to Work with Your Doctor

How to Work with Your Doctor

Doctor manual? There is no manual on how to work with your doctor.  Do you have to use “Doctor” when speaking with them? Can you call them by their first name? I think those questions have to be asked to the doctor you are going to:) But one question that most people...
Exercise is a Good Thing?

Exercise is a Good Thing?

Is Exercise Always Good? We all have been told that exercise is a good thing.  That it will help increase our energy,  our weight,  and  our mood.  But nothing in life is so easy or straight forward. I think of times when it may not be so helpful to my clients when...
Why the Best Thing a Doctor Can Do is Listen to You

Why the Best Thing a Doctor Can Do is Listen to You

What Does It Mean to Have a Doctor Who Listens? We are in this technological age where the expectation is that the more imaging and the more tests we do, the better we can figure things out.  I would say that what actually helps a person get better is not the...
Managing Hypothyroidism: A Holistic Approach

Managing Hypothyroidism: A Holistic Approach

What is Hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is a common condition where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. The standard approach to treating hypothyroidism is through thyroid hormone replacement therapy. When that works, that’s great. But if...