Natural Treatment to Lower Blood Sugars

Natural Treatment to Lower Blood Sugars

  What is this? Another blog on lowering blood sugars.  Yes it is and here’s why it’s important to all people.  Not just those with sugar issues. Sugars Affect Brain Health  Problems with sugar metabolism negatively affect a part of the brain called the...
Laser Detox- A Good Way to Detox

Laser Detox- A Good Way to Detox

Chemical Sensitivity Treatment   What’s the best way to treat the problem of too much chemicals on our bodies? Common ways are infrared sauna, chelating medications, and healing foods. I developed a way which I believe is a pretty good alternative but I may...
Vitamin C for Covid

Vitamin C for Covid

Vitamin C for Covid    Yesterday was a day of Infamy – for several reasons. One because it was  December 7 but it’s also the fifth day that I had to isolate for the first time I’ve had covid.  I treated it initially as if I had a cold  when I didn’t know I...
Is Walking Worse Part of Aging?

Is Walking Worse Part of Aging?

Is Walking Worse Part of Aging? I had an interesting conversation over Thanksgiving dinner.  A friend was listening to me talk of how I helped someone with unsteadiness on her feet get better based on a procedure I did for her.  He told me he thought unsteadiness...